Ambassador Selçuk Ünal in his talk along with His Worship Jim Watson, Mayor of Ottawa, emphasized Turkey’s recent humanitarian assistance to Indonesia and provided information on Turkey’s Enterprising and Humanitarian Foreign Policy.

H.E. Ambassador Selçuk Ünal 16.10.2018

Your Worship Jim Watson,

President of the Human Concern International,

Esteemed Members of the Canadian-Indonesian Congress,

Ambassador Faizasyah,

Dear Guests,


condolencestotherelativesofthosewholosttheirlivesaswellastothepeopleofIndonesia andwishspeedyrecoverytotheinjured.Weareagainsaddenedbythefloodsoccuredtoday.

Turkeyis infullsolidaritywiththeGovernmentandthebrotherlypeopleofIndonesiaand, like in the great tsunami in the past,readytoprovideanyassistancethatmaybeneeded.

As a country struck by disasters in the past and hosting almost 4 million Syrian and Iraqi refugees today, Turkey’straditional humanitarianassistancepolicywill continue in every where possible.

Within the context of this policy, we are again extending a helping hand to our friends.A weekago2 military C-130 cargo planes have landed toPalubringing and extendedhumanitarian assistance (1.000 sleeping bags and 250 tents). 3 TurkishRed Crescentand2AFAD(TurkishDisaster Management andEmergencyAuthority)teams have arrived with the cargo planes.

Religious Foundation of Turkey (TürkiyeDiyanetVakfı)also provided food and cleaning material to the people ofLimpoato 1.040 families thatcould suffice one month.They havearrivedthere only4days after the earthquake.

At the moment,thereare totally9 Turkish humanitarianpersonnelon the ground from these two officialorganisations.

In addition, Turkish NGOs are alsoactive on the ground indistributingvarioushumanitarianassistanceitemsin the affected areas.

Turkish Treasury and Finance Minister H. E. Berat Albayrak visitedthe disaster-affected areasinPaluwith representatives of the Turkish Red Crescent and the Turkish Emergency and Disaster Management Authority (AFAD) 6 days ago.Whileshowing our solidarity, H.E. Albayrak has becomethe first foreign representative to visit Indonesia after the disaster.

We will continue our support to Indonesia. I also thank HisWorship Jim Watson, Mayor of Ottawa, Human Concern International, who is also helping a lot of Syrian refugees in Turkey, and the Canadian-Indonesian Congress for their generous support to Indonesia.

Thank you.


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